If you were here for the first round of concrete pumpkins, get ready for concrete pumpkins— round 2! This time we’re adding in some color! Same process as before except we will add some concrete pigments in to create beautiful muted-toned concrete pumpkins. Such a fun twist!
The Supplies
- Concrete (This is what I had on hand, but any cement will work)
- Pantyhose
- Twine
- Concrete pigments
The Prep Work
Start by getting a workspace set up for your pumpkins. I am just using some boards covered in plastic.
Next up, get your twine cut and ready. You need to work somewhat quickly when dealing with concrete, so it’s helpful to have this set up ahead of time. I used 3 pieces of twine for each pumpkin.
Prep your pantyhose by cutting them and just using the leg portion. It’s also helpful to have a container that can hold the pantyhose leg open while you pour in the concrete. Just find something that you can stretch the top of the pantyhose over.
The Process
Now that the prep work is done, it’s time to mix our concrete. Mix the concrete according to the directions on the bag. I recommend using a corded drill with a paddle/mixer drill attachment to mix the concrete. And here comes the special new addition, concrete pigment! Mix that in as well until your desired color is reached.
Once your concrete is mixed to the right consistency, add it to the leg of the pantyhose. You can fill it as much or as little as you would like to depending on what size pumpkin you would like to make.
After you’ve added your concrete mix, simply knot the top of the pantyhose and place it on top of those pieces of twine we cut up ahead of time. Start to tie all those pieces of twine, pulling tight enough to make an indent.
The Finishing Work
After your concrete pumpkins have had time to cure for about 24-48 hours, it’s time to cut off the twine and pantyhose.
The finishing touch… top them off with a stump. I used dried pumpkin stumps for my concrete pumpkins, but you could also use branches, grape vine, or whatever else you can find.
The Finished Concrete Pumpkins
I am loving the addition of the color pigments, so fun! If I try it again, I think I would go heavier on the pigment color.
Concrete | Pantyhose | Twine | Concrete Pigments | Tray | Vase | Vase filler | Book | Candle

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