How to Make a DIY Decorative Frame for Your TV

The Samsung Frame TV is all the rage right now. It also comes with a hefty price tag of around $2,000 depending on which size you plan to purchase. As much as I would love to splurge on one, there’s really nothing wrong with our current flat-screen TV. I decided to make a decorative frame and give our existing TV a frame TV look, without the hefty price tag.



The process for making the frame will be very similar to the outdoor canvas I made over the summer. These are the three pieces of molding we’ll be using to create the frame. Once these three pieces of PVC molding are combined, they will create a nice, substantial frame, as well as a lip for our TV to sit in.

I found it easier to glue two of the pieces of PVC trim together first before making my cuts. You can do this with some power grab adhesive and clamps. I’d recommend adding a shim under the smaller piece of PVC molding to create the “lip” of the frame.

Once the pieces of molding are adhered together you can make your 45-degree cuts to frame out you TV. I used a little power grab adhesive again and some finish nails to assemble the frame.

The last step is adding that third flat piece of moulding to the outside perimeter of your frame. This will add some depth and also help to cover the sides of the TV. I just propped my frame up on some scrap wood so it sits off the ground and then used power grab adhesive and some finish nails to attach the thin moulding.

I’ve decided to go gold with my frame. To do this, you’ll want to give the PVC moulding a light sand so the paint adheres better. Wipe down the frame and use a black spray paint for the base layer. After the frame is completely coated and dry, you can go over the entire thing with rub n buff. I used the gold leaf color of rub and buff and applied it with this round paint brush.


Get ready for the fun part! I’ve seen this done several ways, but I decided to use elastic bands to hold my frame onto the TV. Our TV is rather high since it is above our fireplace. I was trying to think of a way to attach it, yet still be able to tilt the TV down so it’s a more comfortable viewing experience. These elastic bands worked beautifully!!

I just used some short screws to attach the elastic bands. Just make sure you choose the correct length screws, you don’t want them to pop through the front of your frame. You’ll want to pull the bands tight, but still loose enough to stretch around your TV. I just did two bands, ran them vertically, and made sure they won’t interfere with any cords/cables on the back of our TV.

You’ll also see some white spacer blocks at the top of my frame on the backside. This was just to raise it up a little so that the lip of the frame sits perfectly centered the whole way around the TV.


Do you like the frame TV look? I am curious if this frame would work on an actual Samsung Frame TV? Let me know if you give it a try.

I also get questions about the TV remote sensor. We didn’t have any issues with our remote and sensor. If you do, then you can drill a small hole in the frame right where the sensor is and that should fix the problem. They also make infrared remote extenders that you can try too.

Project supplies

Large PVC Molding | Small PVC Molding | Flat Moulding | Power Grab Adhesive | Black Spray Paint | Rub n Buff, in gold leaf color | Elastic Bands

Room sources

TV | Battery Operated Candles | 10″ Antiqued Brass Candle Holder | 12.5″ Antiqued Brass Candle Holder | 15″ Antiqued Brass Candle Holder | 24″ LED Battery Operated Picture Light | TV Artwork | Floor Lamp | Rug | Ceiling Fan

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81 Responses

  1. This looks great! Thank you for posting the detailed instructions. I definitely want to do this at my house. How do you get the “artwork” on the TV?

    1. Frances says:
      Your comment is awaiting moderation. This is a preview; your comment will be visible after it has been approved.
      how do you hide and plug up the tv and cable boxf?
    2. You’re welcome! I hope you give it a try! I use Apple AirPlay to cast an image from my phone to the tv. I’ve heard YouTube has artwork slide shows that play on the tv too.

  2. I am wondering about the ‘picture’ on the screen. I don’t see that mentioned. Thanks for the tutorial. It is an awesome idea.

      1. JL says:
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        I don’t have a Samsung frame TV but I have a Samsung TV and there’s an art/screen saver application on the TV that works for it. It’s actually an option on the remote that we accidentally hit a lot
    1. You’re welcome! We haven’t had any issues with our sensor, but if you did, you could drill a small hole in the frame right where the sensor is.

      1. Wilhelmina Bodine says:
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        It looks awesome! I have a plaster wall above my fireplace so haven’t dared hang larger tv there. But when I do, I’ll try to create your stunning look! Thank you.
  3. For years I have been trying to duplicate the mirror frame over the fireplace in the living room of my grandparents house in Queens New York for my use. The house was built by my grandfather in 1918, WOW low and behold, what a beautiful job.

    1. I am so sorry I don’t have a final cost. It was not too expensive, but would vary depending on the size of your tv and how many pieces of trim you would need.

  4. Thank you! I was just contemplating making the frame from lightweight poly trim as well and was unsure how to attach it to the tv itself (am mounting mine on a floor art easel) Those straps are genius!!

    1. Right?! The straps worked out soooooo well! And would be perfect for your application too. Good luck with your project!

  5. How big is the gap between your tv and the wall? I want to do this with our tv but afraid the frame will look silly being so far from the wall. Also, what color did you other in the picture light to match the frame? I understand it’s battery operated but is it also hardwired into the wall? I do not want to run electrical if I chose to do this. Thank you. ????

    1. We’ve go a couple inches between our tv and the wall, enough that our cable box fits and we can unhook wires, etc. from the tv. We also tilt our tv downwards since it sits up high, so there is enough room to tilt it too. The picture light is painted with the rub n buff paint in the gold leaf color just like the tv frame. The light is battery operated, no hardwired.

  6. Your frame looks great and love the detailed instructions! My TV has a large soundbar that hangs off of our mount and just below the screen. I’m curious to get your thoughts on what I can do to make it blend into the design (at first that’s what I thought you had above your TV until I realized it was a picture light).

    1. Thank you! So if we were to put our soundbar back on, I think I would have painted it to match the color or our fireplace. I have no idea if that would screw up the soundbar, but I’ve seen it done before and it’s definitely something I would have tried. So do at your own risk 🙂

  7. Hi
    Looks beautiful! Can you let me know what size TV and fireplace you show? I would like to do something similar – TV over fireplace with frame.
    Thank you!!

      1. Thank you for the quick reply! I love the size of the TV with frame as it looks in proportion to your fireplace. I’m in the process of putting in a fireplace – can you let me know the width of the fireplace?

  8. I love this! Would you mind sharing links to the molding you used? Or at least the kinds/sizes, I’m disabled and it’s hard to pick out the molding from websites. Thanks so much!

  9. Hi! I love the the idea of a framed tv. I’ve been looking at options & they are expensive. Just curious is your tv screen just black( like any tv when not in use) with the reflection of art work from your LR or do you have a picture on your tv.? My issue is that I want to do the exact same as you but want it to be a piece of art when not in use not just a black screen

    1. Our tv screen usually is just black most of the time. I occasionally put the art screen saver on. You can definitely just have the art screen saver on all time. I have heard there is a risk of image burn if you have the same image on all the time, for long periods of time. I don’t know if there is any truth to that, but you could also have rotating artwork on the screen.

  10. I love the picture light over the t.v. I checked out this light on line. Do you have a remote to turn on the light since the switch is on the light and would be difficult to turn on. The description for the light did not say it comes with a remote. I would like to use this light in our bookcase we are building to hang over a large picture that will be centered in the middle section of the bookcase. I would not be able to reach the switch to turn it on.

    1. Unfortunately it does not come with a remote, just the switch. It was more for “looks” over our tv, so I hardly ever have it on. It does cast a beautiful light!

    1. We didn’t have any issues with the remote, but if you did you could drill a small hole in the frame where the sensor is or use an IR extender

  11. Thank you so much for this helpful tutorial. We made the frame (for our Frame TV) in just a day. I would send pics but I’m waiting for the Rub N Buff to come to put the finishing gold touch on it. We did everything exactly as you did; however, because the Frame TV is so thin, we didn’t need the third piece of molding on the outside.

    Look forward to copying your next fun project!

    1. Aw thank you Diane! I absolutely love hearing that— so glad your project turned out well and it was easy it do! I bet it looks amazing!

  12. How about I send you some cash and the measurements and you send it to me!!!

    Think about it, because I’m SERIOUS.

  13. Hi, I last idea of the picture frame TV. I have a 76 inch TV how wide is the frame should be
    And what is your frame size?
    Thank you

    1. I think our tv is smaller, so you would just need to take exact measurements based on your specific tv size.

  14. Hi The TV frame looks amazing
    I’m planning to do a frame to my TV. It’s 76 inch.
    The wood frame size will be 5.3 inch
    Do you think will be too thick / or wide for the TV?
    I like to take her opinion for that
    Thank you

  15. TL Henderson says:
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    Hi Erin, This is fab! My sister in law has a beautiful floor to ceiling, stone fireplace. I have been talking to her about mounting her tv to the wall next to it, rather than housing it in the boxy, entertainment center. Could this framing of the tv work beside the fireplace? Blessings and thanks, TL Henderson
  16. Todd says:
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    Hello, looks beautiful. Now I have to build same for our daughter. Can you please tell me the height to the top of the mantle and the width from fireplace to corner of the side? Thank you!
  17. Lexi says:
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    Hi! We are partly finished with the frame, I just painted with rub and buff, but wondering if you sealed it at all after the rub and buff? Thanks!
  18. Jennifer says:
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    Where’s your beautiful chair from ? Very beautiful home !!

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  • Hi, I'm Erin!

    I’m the creator of Hamilton Park Home. My mission is to share with the intent to inspire. At Hamilton Park Home, you’ll find quick DIY projects, detailed tutorials, approachable design and styling tips, full-room makeovers, and so much more.

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